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My debut picture book The World's Longest Sock will be available on November 1, 2022 at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other book stores.
Q: This is such a fun and creative story. Where did the idea for this book come from?
A: After playing in the snow, my daughter and her friend came inside and started taking off all the cold, wet layers. . . coats, gloves, scarves, snow pants and then socks. Her friend had knee-high socks that wouldn’t come off. My daughter started to help, but as she pulled and pulled that long wet sock just stretched out more and seemed to go forever. They fell over laughing and exclaimed it was The World’s Longest Sock. That phrase (and their giggles) stuck with me and was the spark that ignited this book.
Q: Knitting is obviously one of the main features of this story. Are you a knitter? If so, how did you get started knitting?
A: I love arts and crafts of all types! I do knit, but I’ve never actually finished anything! I get easily distracted and enticed by the next new project or hobby. I’ve started to knit more scarves than I can count. When I finished the rough draft for this book, I thought I’d better try knitting again to make sure I got things right. I researched how to knit a sock from the toe-up (most socks are knit from the top down which wouldn’t work for my story!) and started knitting my own long sock! It’s now about 6 feet long and still going!
More of this Q&A can be found on the WorthyKids author page.