Juliann Law writes and illustrates stories for children. Her debut picture book, The World's Longest Sock, published fall of 2022.
She freelances and teaches design classes at Salt Lake Community College. She has a B.F.A. in Illustration and worked for 9 years as a in-house illustrator and concept artist at an educational software company.
She has two daughters, a dog, and a husband. She loves to bake, read, garden, go to the dog park and hunt for vintage kitchenware at estate sales and thrift shops. Juliann grew up in the Great Pacific Northwest and now call the mountains of Utah her home.
Awards and Honors: 2009 SCBWI Portfolio Showcase Mentorship recipient
Represented by Adria Goetz (adria@ktliterary.com ) of KT Literary Agency.
Contact at juliannlaw@gmail.com or using the form below.

Everyone asks if I am a knitter. . . I do knit, but I’ve never actually finished anything! I get easily distracted and enticed by the next project or hobby. I’ve started to knit more scarves than I can count. But when I finished the rough draft for this book, I thought I’d better try knitting again to make sure I got things right. I researched how to knit a sock from the toe-up (many socks are knit from the top down which wouldn’t work for my story!) and started knitting my own long sock! It’s now about 9 feet long and still going!
Since I started knitting it when I was submitting the rough draft to publishers, it is a good visual example of how long it takes to make a book. I take it to schools and book readings and show the kids how long it was at each part of the publishing process.
(Special thanks to my dog, Piper, for being so helpful with this photo shoot!)

Thank you!